Craft CMS on Nanobox: Part 2 – DRY-RUN a.k.a Local Staging
DRY-RUN with Nanobox is equivalent to a staging website on your local machine. At a minimum, you should test your website with dry-run before your initial deploy to production.
DRY-RUN with Nanobox is equivalent to a staging website on your local machine. At a minimum, you should test your website with dry-run before your initial deploy to production.
Start a brand new Craft 3 project on Nanobox by running a single command or deploy your existing Craft 3 project locally with Nanobox in less than 10 minutes.
Nanobox is a "micro-platform" that builds and configures your app anywhere. Could it be Craft CMS developer's development, staging and production deployment nirvana?